Services & Plans

Nutrition Consultation

Initial Consultation: 1hr

During your one on one consultation we’ll complete an extensive case history, discuss your symptoms in depth and gather information about diet, general wellbeing and lifestyle habits. With this data I will design your personalised step by step plan, factoring in your specific nutritional requirements, medications, dietary likes and dislikes, allergies, and budget.

During your one on one consultation we’ll complete an extensive case history, discuss your symptoms in depth and gather information about diet, general wellbeing and lifestyle habits

Nutrition Consultation

I will provide you with all the resources, recipes and information you need. In some circumstances I may suggest short term supplement support. Prior to our initial consultation you will be required to complete a detailed journal and questionnaire.

More details upon request. Discount packages available.


First Step Nutrition & Wellness Programme

This seven week educational programme will remove all your confusions around food and nutrition, and help you discover an effortless way to promote better eating habits and take control of your health for good!

This 7 week educational programme will remove all your confusions around food and nutrition, and help you discover an effortless way to promote better eating habits and take control of your health for good

First Step Nutrition & Wellness Programme

This comprehensive programme includes:

  • Two Consultations with a Nutritional practitioner, plus regular coaching calls
  • Specific Nutrition & lifestyle Plan
  • Weekly recipes and shopping list to support you with your plan
  • All the tools and knowledge you need to sustain change

Best value package.


Break Free from Sugar Challenge

Break Free from the vicious sugar cycle and manage cravings in just 7 days. Learn how to take control, eliminate cravings, navigate the supermarket shelves, confidently cook tasty nutritious meals, make healthy treats and get a peek into the world of nutrition to help transform your health.

Break Free from the vicious sugar cycle and manage cravings in just 7 days. Learn how to take control, eliminate cravings, navigate the supermarket shelves & confidently cook tasty nutritious meals

Nutrition Consultation

Includes a:

  • 7 day meal plan
  • Shopping list
  • An e-book containing more than 20 delicious recipes – including treats
  • Practical solutions & benefits to be gained from reducing your sugar intake
  • A wealth of advice on improving your overall health

Contact me for details.


Reset Nutrition & Fitness Plan

This fourteen day Reset plan incorporates nutrition and movement to provide whole body balance and promote positive lifestyle shifts. This kick-start plan contains all the resources and tools you need to get on track and stay on track with your health goals!

This fourteen day Reset plan incorporates nutrition and movement to provide whole body balance and promote positive lifestyle shifts

Reset Nutrition & Fitness Plan

Hosted through a private facebook group, you will have continued access to a:

  • Complete library of wholesome recipes
  • 2 Week Meal plan
  • Shopping lists
  • Food Journals and Progress Tracking documents
  • 14 Home Workouts (with video demos) for beginners & intermediates
  • Better Health Tips
  • Healthy eating guides and strategies
  • On hand advice from a health coach
  • Support within your Reset community

Nutrition & Fitness Coaching

One on One Nutrition & Fitness Coaching focuses on sustainable, healthy weight loss that is free from restrictions and shows you how you can enjoy food, live life and still reach your goals. It helps you gradually improve your lifestyle, break unwanted habits and nourish your body through food and movement.

One on One Nutrition & Fitness Coaching focuses on sustainable, healthy weight loss that is free from restrictions and shows you how you can enjoy food, live life and still reach your goals.

Nutrition & Fitness Coaching

Choose between a 4 or 8 Week Plan which includes:

  • Specific nutrition and lifestyle advice – Step by step plan
  • Weekly 1 on 1 coaching and feedback
  • Personal training or home video workouts weekly
  • Weekly Meal Plans and Recipes
  • Accountability journals
  • Supplement recommendations (if required)
  • Progress monitoring & tracking

More details upon request.


Fitness Classes Online

Workout in the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you! Weekly motivating multi level fitness classes that get you moving your body with intention. The beauty of these classes is that you always have a health and fitness coach on hand to answer any questions relating to your training.

You also feel supported and encouraged by members in your all female fitness community.

Workout in the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you! Weekly motivating multi level fitness classes that get you moving your body with intention

Fitness Classes Online

Hosted through a private facebook group, you will have continued access to a:

  • Suitable for all levels new or returning to fitness.
  • 3x Fun workouts posted per week (30min) with playback option.
  • No equipment required.
  • Monthly Subscription.
  • Membership Discounts.
  • All female private group.

One week FREE trial available.